After one of the hottest summers in the last two years, I think we are all ready for the fall!
There are plans for two trapping events. One in Jet, OK at the Great Salt Plains and the other in the Panhandle of OK. The Latter is an Oscar Pack memorial outing where Chris Kimble will lead some of us on a road trapping excursion. The former, Mark Runnels has opened up his private ridge trapping area to club members that would like to trap their hunting partner for the year. Please let these two gentlemen know if you plan to attend.
It looks like quarry is in good numbers so far. I know there are several apprentices chomping at the bit to get going this fall. Heck to be honest....I am ready to reclaim my tiercel and start his training too! Let's hope the H1N1 Avian Flu and RHD aren't as prominent as last year!
We are currently planning a few meets later in the year... Keep an eye on the site for more information!
I hope everyone has a successful trapping season and a great hawking season. I hope we cross paths at some point, with bird in hand and quarry to chase!
OFA Pres. Elect
2022 -2023 Hunting Season Dates
Dove: 9/01 – 10/31 & 12/1 - 12/29
Spec. Falconry Season: 2/18 - 3/06
Quail: 10/01 – 3/31/23
Pheasant: 10/01 – 3/31/23
Sora & Rail: 9/01 11/09
Spec. Rail Falconry Season: 2/01 – 3/09/23
Gallinule: 9/01 – 11/09
Spec. Falconry Season: 2/01 – 3/09/23
Woodcock: 10/30 – 12/13
Spec. Falconry Season: 12/12 – 2/13/23
Common Snipe: 10/01 – 1/15/23
Sept. Teal: 9/10 – 9/25
Sept. Res. Canada Goose: 9/10 – 9/19
Panhandle: 10/08 – 1/04/23
Zone 1 & 2: 11/12 – 11/27, 12/03 – 1/29/23
REMEMBER, COOTS ARE A -1 to the head count!
Spec. Falconry Season: 2/13 – 2/27/23
Dark Geese: 11/05 – 11/27, 12/03 – 2/12/23
White Fronted: 11/05 – 11/27, 12/03 – 2/05/23
Light Geese (Snow, Blue, Ross): 11/05 – 11/27, 12/03 – 2/12/23
COLGS: 2/13 – 3/30/23
Sandhill Crane: 10/22 – 1/22/23 West of I35 only.
Spec. Falconry Season: 1/23 – 2/05/23 W. of I35 only.
Rabbits, Jacks and Squirrels are open year round, statewide.
We will be making plans for the 2022 Annual Fall meet at the picnic.
We are planning the 2023 Winter Meet to happen in Mountain Park, OK. Check back later in the year for information.
The OFA/KHC Friends meet is held at Cowley Lake in Kansas. It is usually the first weekend in March. Check back after the new year for more information.
Our annual picnic and business meeting will be held on June 3, 2023, in the same place as last year..... Arcadia Lake in Edmond. Bring the family for a fun day with fellow falconers.
Make plans to be in Edmond, OK. at Arcadia Lake!!!!
The building is located on the south side of Arcadia Lake, called the Arcadia Conservation Education Area. The building itself is the Outdoor Education and Training Center, owned by the ODWC.
Address is 7201 E. 33rd St. Edmond,OK. The easiest way to get there is from I-35, You cannot get there on 33rd St.
On I-35 exit #138D onto Memorial Rd., go east on Memorial 2 miles to Midwest Blvd., go north on Midwest Blvd. 1 mile . We will be indoors in a temperature controlled building most of the time.
We are currently planning a different workshop for the summer of 2023. The tentative dates will be July or August. This one will be a good one to attend!

Mont "Oscar" Pack
February 5th 1949- January 28th 2022
Lifelong falconer and beloved husband, father and friend to many, Oscar passed away this January of brain cancer at the age of 72. He was an avid falconer for nearly 50 years, flying everything from passage prairies to golden eagles with dedication and a wicked sense of humor. He was a pillar of the Oklahoma Falconers Association and of the falconry community, mentoring many falconers over the years and contributing his innovative drone, kite, trapping and training techniques. Indeed, he could make virtually anything a falconer might need. He was always trying new forms of falconry (often excelling at them), and never stopped learning and growing as a falconer.
He started flying golden eagles in his late fifties and was chairman of the IEAA from 2XXX-2XXX. Many of us fondly remember good days (and laughter!) in the field with Oscar and his female golden eagle, with whom he spent countless hours pursuing jackrabbits at home and at meets. She was used as the model eagle for "The Hobbit" film, and a picture of her and Oscar are on an official postage stamp of Malta. Oscar represented the United States at the International Festival of Falconry in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, where he trained several falcons for lure flying in record time and flew a prairie falcon in particular to a standing ovation from the crowd.
A career mechanic, Oscar worked for Peterbilt and MHC Kenworth, receiving Mechanic of the Year three different times before retiring in 2013. He also enjoyed sandblasting glass and rocks, building birdhouses, shooting, and most of all going to his grandson's jujitsu tournaments. He is survived by the love of his life and wife of 53 years, Joanna, and a son, Monty Pack. Oscar was a true master falconer in every sense; he was kind and creative, a problem solver and hardworker. He and his birds were always a joy to be around. His loss continues to be felt deeply by the falconry community.
OK Falconers Assoc.com
The OFA proudly supports these fine organizations.

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2024 OFA Picnic & Business Meeting
Sat. June 1, 2024
Edmond, OK
August 24, 2024
Perry, OK
2024 Fall OFA Meet
2024 Winter OFA Meet
November 14-20, 2021
The State no longer registers our falconry birds. You now must register them with the Federal Govt. The link above is a tutorial on how to do so.