Jerel Collins
How long have you been an OFA member?
A year
Where do you live?
Clinton, OK
Job or School?
City of Clinton, Parks Maintenance Supervisor
What got you interested in falconry?
As a kid I was always fascinated with red tail hawks. I thought it would be awesome to be able to keep a bird that ate meat haha! Almost 2 years ago I was surfing the web and came across the sport of falconry. I began researching the sport, and learned you can keep them legally if you take the right steps to do so. One day I posted some pictures on facebook to sell some pigeons, Chris Kimble was interested, and he had a picture of his male passage harris hawk Sylar as his profile picture. After learning he was a falconer, I guess you can say the rest is history.
Who was your sponsor? (or mentors and influences?)
Chris Kimble is my sponsor and, an excellent teacher and friend. I'm very happy I have him as a sponsor.
What bird(s) do you currently fly?
I recently flew a passage Red Tail
What birds have you flown in the past?
I have only have flown that Red Tail
What was your favorite bird, and why?
I will go with the only bird I have flown, and that's my red tail Crimson. I had a very fun season, and that bird was easy and fun to work with. I caught 21 rabbits in my first season with him.
What birds do you plan to fly, or would like to fly?
I plan on flying a female harris hawk in the future.
What is your favorite quarry?
I have only hunted cottontails, but I plan on getting into hunting a lot of squirrels and jack rabbits. Who knows what else in the future.
Do you have other animals?
I have a Pit bull, an English Bulldog, and a Jack Russell. I also have been raising and showing pigeons (Lahores) for almost 15 yrs. I started raising Coturnix Quail late last year.
Favorite falconry story?
Don't have one yet but I will have many I'm sure in years to come.
What is the best tip that you would give someone new to the sport?
I would say be a sponge, and ask questions.
Who have you sponsored?
I'm still an apprentice, but would enjoy teaching someone in the future.
What goals do you have for your falconry experience?
My goals are to be someone that everyone can look at and say he takes excellent care of his birds, and does a good job of catching game.
Contact Info you want public?
E-mail: b_baller19@hotmail.com
Social Networks?

Gayla Salvati
How long have you been an OFA member?
3 years
Have you ever held a position in OFA?
Where do you live?
Perry Ok
Job or School?
Large Animal Veterinarian and Artist
Phil Salvati- husband
What got you interested in falconry?
My life long love of animals and birds, along with my passion for hunting and coupled with my husband's desire to be a falconer....all lead to the inevitable conclusion that we both needed to be falconers. It was a very natural fit for both of us and something we enjoy sharing.
Who was your sponsor? (or mentors and influences?)
Tim Jessell of Stillwater. Ironically I met Tim at an artist's workshop after two years of unsuccessfully trying to find a sponsor. I was watching a demonstration of his art work and he mentioned he was a falconer. The rest is hisory!
What bird(s) do you currently fly?
Started with a Redtail and released her, which was harder to do than I thought it would be. I am currently trying to aquire a Harris Hawk and look forward to trapping my next Redtail.
What birds have you flown in the past?
What was your favorite bird, and why?
I don't have a lot of experience across the species, so it is hard to compare. However, if personality matters I think I lean towards what some refer to as "dirt birds". I think of them as the pickup trucks of the raptor world. Yes, I know the falcons are sleek and fast like the little red sports car...but I am basically a pickup type personality myself. So, the Redtails and the Harris Hawks are right down my alley!
What birds do you plan to fly, or would like to fly?
I would like to try them all of course! As I gain more experience with birds and falconry in general, I'm sure I will find my hunting style and preference for species will change. I do have a secret love for owls. When I mention that to most falconers I get some eye rolling, but when I mention to genuine owl folks, they really light up. I think the challenges associated with flying an owl are rather fascinating and it would be interesting to try, but I see that as down the road.
What is your favorite quarry?
My husband and I were duck hunting fanatics even before falconry, so that is always on the list. Rabbits are a given too but I would really be interested in working a bird on squirrels. I don't have a suitable squirrel bird at the moment, but that will hopefully change.
Do you have other animals?
Yes. I am a large animal veterinarian, I met my husband as a pointing dog trainer and we live on a farm. That is a formula that equates to animals, animals, animals. Horses, dogs, goats, chickens and really pretty much anything else you can name.
Favorite falconry story?
With my very first bird I made a very rookie mistake. About three weeks into manning my Redtail, I put her outside on a hoop perch to clean the area in the house where we were keeping her. She was tied with her leash and naturally got loose and was gone. Not only was I devastated that she was gone, I had basically killed her because she was dangling a leash when she went. I did lots of searching with no results and seriously never wanted another bird. Nine days later, late one evening my brother called me. He is our county's Game Warden and he had received a call from the area where we trapped my bird. Someone had spotted a hawk with something tied to it on an electric pole in the area and called him to report it. This area is 15 miles as the crow flies from our house. Thinking there was absolutely no way it could be her after that amount of time, my husband and brother headed up early the next morning to look. By some miracle, there she was sitting in the exact spot where we first trapped her, leash and all. My husband called her to him with little hope that she would come. She did make a move towards him but thought better of it and landed in a tree. The leash caught in the tree and she ended up dangling there, out of reach. I can't imagine that this bird made it nine days without getting that leash caught and then did it just at the right moment! A little quick work with a chainsaw and a few members of the local volunteer fire department and I had my bird back home. She was in good shape and none the worse for wear. We picked right back up where we left off in training. However, this was a hard lesson I will never forget!
Funniest falconry story?
This year we headed out to trap a second Redtail. My husband and I spent many long hours together in a truck with only our bait rat for company. We had a favorite spot along a pipeline being put in along the north border of our county. The pipeline work attracted lots of raptors and was usually a good spot to look. We put the rat and his trap out on the side of a road and drove off a distance to watch. We watched as a truck filled with pipeline workers drove by and stopped at our trap. One guy gets out and actually picked up the trap and they start to drive off with it! We fly down the road to catch them and after a few exchanges of words manage to get poor Domino (yes he got a name) back. I can't imagine why someone would steal a rat, but each to his own. After trapping season, I did manage to find someone who would adopt Domino but wanted him neutered. So, I neutered the rat and he is living happily in his new home.
Favorite quote?
Fly hard, kill swiftly, make no apologies. It's an oldie but still rings true.
What is the best tip that you would give someone new to the sport?
Never give up and be darn sure you know what you are getting yourself into!
Who have you sponsored?
What goals do you have for your falconry experience?
Learn as much as I can, See as much as I can, and go as many places as I can with the best falconers I can get to know.
Contact Info you want public?
email: gayla@redearthoutfitters.com
Social Networks?
Facebook, Instagram

Joel May
How long have you been an OFA member?
5 years
Have you ever held a position in OFA?
Where do you live?
Job or School?
I work for a civil engineering firm, and am in school for surveying.
Wife and 2 daughters
What got you interested in falconry?
Working at the Zoo and watching the wild birds take game there. Then after work driving the dirt roads watching red tails and going to the library reading books on falconry. Volunteering at lake thunderbird as bald eagle spotter & at an eagle rehab facility.
Who was your sponsor? (or mentors and influences?)
What bird(s) do you currently fly?
Female Red Tail Hawk
What birds have you flown in the past?
Red tails and a Prairie Falcon
What was your favorite bird, and why?
Red Tails, They can be flown on the most variety of game.
What birds do you plan to fly, or would like to fly?
Would like to fly longwings someday when I have more time.
What is your favorite quarry?
Favorite quote?
It is easy being a critic.
What is the best tip that you would give someone new to the sport?
Red Tails are not just a stepping stone bird only used by apprentices.
What goals do you have for your falconry experience?
To fly birds to there highest potential and have fun.
Contact Info you want public?
Social Networks?

Ricky Harris
How long have you been an OFA member?
3 years
Have you ever held a position in OFA?
Where do you live?
I grew up in OKC. I moved to Tuttle in 2007
Job or School?
ATC drivetrain since 1994. I am a gauge lab coordinator.
Jessica, 2 boys, Riley 20 and Reece 10
What got you interested in falconry?
Becoming a falconer was a dream that goes back to childhood. If i had to point out one thing it would be the movie Conan the Barbarian.
Who was your sponsor? (or mentors and influences?)
Jerry Beals was my sponsor
What bird(s) do you currently fly?
I fly a big, beautiful Red Tail named Gretchen. She was my first bird and yes, I still have her.
What birds have you flown in the past?
Red Tail, Kestrel, and Cooper's
What was your favorite bird, and why?
GRETCHEN! She was my first
What birds do you plan to fly, or would like to fly?
I LOVE THE SPORT OF FALCONRY! I tried to catch a peregrine last season. I guess I was too slow. I'll try again this trapping season. I would like a chance with a golden eagle one day. The sky is the limit
What is your favorite quarry?
For now, rabbits
Do you have other animals?
I have 3 dogs, and 2 boys
Favorite falconry story?
Hard to pick just one story. There are so many! Everyday with me is an adventure
Favorite quote?
"Pull your head out of your @$$," and "You gotta be kidding me!"
What is the best tip that you would give someone new to the sport?
It's a BIG responsibility to be a falconer
Who have you sponsored?
No one yet
What goals do you have for your falconry experience?
To be a master falconer, and to have a chance to fly every type of bird possible
Contact Info you want public?
email: rickylee4115@yahoo.com
Social Networks?
Anything else?

Shane Bullard
How long have you been an OFA member?
Less than year
Have you ever held a position in OFA?
No, I have not
Where do you live?
Mustang, Ok
Job or School?
I am a Police Officer for Oklahoma City Police
I have a Wife (Heather) and two kids (Maddie 10, Hank 8)
What got you interested in falconry?
I have always been interested in falconry but never really knew anything about it. My wife and I took a trip to Ireland in 2015 and i was able to do a falconry excursion while there. I flew a Harris Hawk for about an hr through the woods. It was not hunting but it got me looking into the sport. As soon as we got back stateside I found the OFA and Chris Kimble invited me to the Guyman Field meet in January. After hanging out with all the guys up there it was all i could think about.
Who was your sponsor? (or mentors and influences?)
Chris Kimble is my sponsor. I am a first year apprentice.
What bird(s) do you currently fly?
I am flying a female Redtail
What birds have you flown in the past?
The Redtail i have now other than the Harris Hawk while in Ireland.
What was your favorite bird, and why?
It would have to be my current bird because it is the only one i have had.
What birds do you plan to fly, or would like to fly?
I plan on flying Redtails and possibly a Harris in the future.
What is your favorite quarry?
For now it is going to be cottontail and hopefully get into some Jacks.
Do you have other animals?
We have Dogs, Goats, Chickens and the wife and kids have two cats.
Favorite falconry story?
So far i don’t have many stories to tell. I would have to say my favorite time was the OFA Field Meet in Guyman. I was able to see lots of game being caught and a variety of birds being flown.
Funniest falconry story?
I don’t have one just yet but I’m sure many will come.
Favorite quote?
“Life is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid.”
John Wayne
"If our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies, any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right." Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
What is the best tip that you would give someone new to the sport?
Learn as much as you can and try to get out in the field with some falconers. Make sure your family is on board with it and make sure you are prepared to put in the time.
Who have you sponsored?
No one
What goals do you have for your falconry experience?
I am excited to learn more about the sport and become a respected falconer. I want to be able to pass the tradition to my son and daughter. Im also looking forward to catching lots of rabbits.
Contact Info you want public?
Social Networks?
Im on Facebook

Samantha Ohlmer
How long have you been an OFA member?
This is my second year.
Have you ever held a position in OFA?
Where do you live?
Edmond, Ok
Job or School?
I am a registered veterinary technician.
Just my parents and one sister.
What got you interested in falconry?
I was introduced to it during an Ag class, when another student brought their red tail in. That was about 10 years ago, and the idea never left.
Who was your sponsor? (or mentors and influences?)
Oscar Pack is my sponsor, and pretty much everyone in OFA has helped me in one way or another.
What bird(s) do you currently fly?
I am flying a red tail
What birds have you flown in the past?
One other red tail
What was your favorite bird, and why?
My current hawk. She is so determined!
What birds do you plan to fly, or would like to fly?
I would like to try a kestrel at some point. There are so many options, I'm sure I will change my mind every time I get to watch someone else's bird fly.
What is your favorite quarry?
Well, so far rabbits are all I've gone after. I hope to try squirrels this year.
Do you have other animals?
Dogs, cats, parrot, chickens, sheep, geckos, snakes, rabbits, horse.....so just a few...
Favorite falconry story?
I don't know that I have one yet.
Funniest falconry story?
I'm sure there will be many in the future.
Favorite quote?
"It would be so great if it were possible to go through life without making a single mistake, but there is no such path. Falling, tripping, losing the way, making mistakes, little by little, walking one step at a time..this is the only way"
What is the best tip that you would give someone new to the sport?
Keep trying and always be willing to take part. Nothing worthwhile is easy.
Who have you sponsored?
No one yet.
What goals do you have for your falconry experience?
My main goal is just to provide a good experience for my bird.
Social Networks?
Im on Facebook, and that's about it
Anything else?
I'm excited to see what this, and future seasons bring!

Sheldon Nicolle
How long have you been an OFA member?
Joined in 2013, I think… ☺
Have you ever held a position in OFA?
Where do you live?
Tom Bean, TX (Small town in the Texoma region, south of the Sherman/Durant area.)
Job or School?
Wildlife Control/Abatement
Wife - Larissa, Daughter (9) – Savannah, Son (7) - Quinn
What got you interested in falconry?
As a child, 8 years old and living in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), my uncle, John Quincey, practiced falconry. After seeing his lanner falcon take a dove, I was hooked!
Who was your sponsor? (or mentors and influences?)
My Uncle John was my first mentor. He allowed me to train my first BOP in 1991 while on holiday in Zimbabwe. It took a decade for me to pursue the sport state side upon return to the US. My sponsor was Roger Crandall, a man I totally respect and admire and owe more than could ever repay. Together with Steve Oleson, John Graham and Don Roeber, Roger helped me recognize what a privilege falconry is and, through their example, showed me how to give back to the sport by volunteering where ever there’s a need.
What bird(s) do you currently fly?
Peales/Anatum Peregrine Falcon
Male and Female Harris’ Hawk
Tiercel Aplomado
What birds have you flown in the past?
Redtails, Harris', Lanner Falcon, African Gos, Black Shouldered Kite
What was your favorite bird, and why?
Passage Female Harris, super smart and fun game hawk that took tons of game and was just a great bird…
What birds do you plan to fly, or would like to fly?
Everything! Realistically, passage peregrine is on my short list, as is a goshawk, and maybe a kestrel…
What is your favorite quarry?
That I‘ve flown, ducks and pheasants. That I want to fly, sage grouse!
Do you have other animals?
Parrot, dogs, and a cat….
Favorite falconry story?
The one when we catch game and get our birds back safely, or anytime the kids want to go hunting with Dad!
Funniest falconry story?
The first time I got handcuffed by my first female Redtail – don’t laugh, it hurts. Or the time my passage female Harris’ thought my forearm was the bunny and sunk her hallux to the bone, yeah I cried that day too.
Favorite quote?
"A satisfactory hobby must be in a large degree useless, inefficient, laborious, or irrelevant...all in all, falconry is the perfect hobby…"
-Aldo Leopold-
What is the best tip that you would give someone new to the sport?
Find the best sponsor and listen to him/her. Then, make informed decisions and stick to a plan. DO NOT listen to a dozen people and try a dozen things. Stick to the plan!
Who have you sponsored?
Dane Meyers, John McCormack, Ralph Black
What goals do you have for your falconry experience?
Have fun! Enjoy the friendships that are made along the way!
Contact Info you want public?
Sheldon Nicolle
Social Networks?
OK Falconers Assoc.com
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2024 OFA Picnic & Business Meeting
Sat. June 1, 2024
Edmond, OK
August 24, 2024
Perry, OK
2024 Fall OFA Meet
2024 Winter OFA Meet
November 14-20, 2021
The State no longer registers our falconry birds. You now must register them with the Federal Govt. The link above is a tutorial on how to do so.